
Showing posts from June, 2023

Matilda Jr.

 Matilda Jr Show Dates: May 5-21  Really loved working on this show. My TD, John, designed the set. He left many of the details of the set up to me. I got to choose some of the colors and details on the set. I did have quite a bit of help painting this set. All the undercoats and back coats were done by other staff members. Which was great, because it gave me much more time to concentrate on the details. John painted the book wall. This was a great help, because I had just enough time to get everything else finished on time. We also decided to use wall paper for the book shelf to save time.  I had a lot of say in how the school room, the bathroom and the library were created. The wall art for the living room was also my idea as were the maternity and nursery windows. We also repainted a couch and put the mid century modern pattern on it! This was just a fun to create these set pieces as we went along! I overheard a parent saying that this was the kids favorite set!  ...