Matilda Jr.

 Matilda Jr

Show Dates: May 5-21 

Really loved working on this show. My TD, John, designed the set. He left many of the details of the set up to me. I got to choose some of the colors and details on the set. I did have quite a bit of help painting this set. All the undercoats and back coats were done by other staff members. Which was great, because it gave me much more time to concentrate on the details. John painted the book wall. This was a great help, because I had just enough time to get everything else finished on time. We also decided to use wall paper for the book shelf to save time. 
I had a lot of say in how the school room, the bathroom and the library were created. The wall art for the living room was also my idea as were the maternity and nursery windows. We also repainted a couch and put the mid century modern pattern on it! This was just a fun to create these set pieces as we went along!
I overheard a parent saying that this was the kids favorite set!
 It all began with this sofa that had been put out free down the street from my house.

The sofa would become part of the living room.
 Actually the very first thing was all walls...
The main walls below

The living room wall below
Then I painted the trees for the park scene. They went very quick in on afternoon.
The gates and the gates and the door for the outdoor school scenes.

Next we would start on the indoor scenes for the Library and the School Room below are the colors that I picked for the walls.

We made a radical decision to not paint the book shelves, but use wall paper instead. 

It took this job out of my hands because it didn't need to be painted and allowed someone else to do it.

It came out just great and to much less time than painting!

I went on to paint the rest of the library. I decided to make the card catalogue gray metal so it would be different from the book shelf. I also changed the lamp to a goose neck lamp.
Next was the school room. John asked me to choose what to put on the shelves and on the board
I found the letters on the top at United Art. We glued them on and they looked great. This again would save me loads of work for me!

Next was the book wall.I did the bottom and the top of the wall. John took several days working on the books. Which worked out great and saved me so much time. The book wall was his vision, so it was great that he could see it through.

The gates would have to be repainted again...

Next was the office wall and desk.

Things were supposed to be accented in gold. I painted things in gold paint first and then put gold glaze over it and it looked great!

 The finished office scene.
The Bathroom
John told me to "create a bathroom," and that's what I did!

 The two pics on the left are my references, including my bathroom at home. The one on the right is my painted bathroom.



 This is how the painting progressed.


  I made too many palm trees and had to cut some out. But it turned out pretty good in the end!


We decided that it would be good to add prop pieces to the bathroom and I got to make them! 


 The prop pieces were to match the bigger versions.


 Here is more last minute painting.

The doors and the windows
So exciting when things start coming together.
One of the last things were the nursery and maternity panels.

The Chokey

I started to work on this...
 John finished it...

       Above is his reference.                                          Above is how it turned! 

Painting isn't always exciting. I don't know how many times I've painted these cubes!

The finished set! With all the scene changes

 First scene set.
Both walls that I painted.

Below and above are how they were presented in the scenes.

Here is the school gym wall scene.

Outdoor school scene set.

Last minute wall decorations for the living room.
My paintings for the living room.

It was decided windows should be painted on the walls.


Window details. Decided to add the blind pull that I made.

Here is the finished set in action!


Last day pictures of the set!


I'm so proud of this set!  


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